As a result of statewide strategic planning in August 2022 where 55 STEM stakeholders convened to determine a vision for consortia work, the Math Action Area convened 25 stakeholders in April - August 2023 to refine the following outcomes as a vision for our work through 2026:
By 2026, in order to ensure ALL students - focusing on those who have been historically excluded - have relevancy, belonging, access, application, and support in math education, we will communicate a vision for culturally responsive mathematics pedagogy (CRMP) by creating a CRMP resource hub.
By 2026, in order to support students' foundational mathematics understanding, skills, and dispositions, we will increase by 20% the number of teachers trained to effectively teach Pk-5 mathematics.
By 2026, in order to build leadership capacity in the field, we will increase the number of regional groups/teams (ISD/RESA/Community) trained in implementing 3P pedagogy in 6th - 12th grade in schools/districts to over 16.