The Science and Engineering for Michigan Collaborative coordinates with partners, including Michigan M in STEM and CS for Michigan Collaboratives, and MiSTEM Network regions to ensure each of the collaborative goals are met either directly through Advisory Council grant funds or indirectly through collaborative partner resources. Working in concert with the other collaboratives to help to integrate and cross pollinate collaborative objectives and strategies across the state will ensure the work remains un-siloed and cohesively connected to address the needs of the state.
Strategic Plans
Strategic Plan outcomes, goals, and activities are developed within our collaborative with a diverse set of stakeholders that include MiSTEM directors, teacher consultants, administrators, educators, business and non-profit leaders, and more. Interested in joining our Collaborative? Please Contact Us.
Funds support statewide STEM strategy and collaborations to scale best practices that serve all MiSTEM regions and respond to local STEM needs. The MiSTEM Advisory Council grants are coordinated and funded through the State School Aid Fund.