The MiSTEM Network Council called for a Computer Science Action Area (now named CS for Michigan Collaborative) that works to “Expand access to, and highlight the importance of, high-quality Computer Science Experiences.” The aim of the Computer Science Action Area is to establish comprehensive statewide systems that promote K-12 computer science education, enabling all students to access and feel included in the subject. Our goal is to empower educators by providing them with professional development opportunities that will enhance their teaching methods, expand their understanding of computer science concepts, and increase their focus on equity. Additionally, we plan to create resources that will encourage community involvement in K-12 computer science education and foster students' independence in making informed decisions about their computer science career paths.
Strategic Plan
As a result of the statewide strategic planning group where STEM stakeholders convened to determine a vision for consortia work over the next several years, the CS for Michigan Collaborative is committed to the following Outcomes:
Computer Science Statewide Systems
By 2026, there will be 3 statewide systems in place to elevate k-12 CS learning experiences so that students have foundational knowledge. These systems have been identified as District Implementation Support, Educator Support, and Statewide Communication.
Equity in Computer Science
To ensure all students have computer science relevancy, feel belonging, access, application, and support to have foundational CS knowledge, by 2026 we will increase the number of teachers trained in an equity-based CS framework by at least 150 teachers.
Computer Science Partnerships
To support community awareness in computer science education, by 2026 we will have 60 community or business partners engaging with school districts around CS learning.
Computer Science Pathways
To ensure that students have resources available to make informed decisions about their career pathway, by 2026, we will have 60 school districts utilizing modules and tools to help inform students of CS career field options.
The CS for Mcichigan Collaborative has convened working groups to support the outcome areas identified in the statewide computer science strategic plan. Each workgroup is focuse on achieving each of the outcomes through developing and aligning statewide activities. We are looking for partners in K-12, ISD/RESA, higher education, business & industry, and community.